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Running Medicine with Dr. Jordan Metzl: Runners Knee

JUN. 03, 2021
Welcome to Running Medicine with Dr. Jordan Metzl, a new video series designed to help runners become the smartest and healthiest athletes possible.

Dr. Metzl is a sports medicine physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, a devoted 35-time marathon runner, and the best-selling author of Dr. Jordan Metzl’s Running Strong.

ASICS has teamed up with Dr. Metzl and created this new educational series to teach runners how to take care of their body, how to make great running decisions and how to stay on the road. Similar to ASICS’ founding ethos of ‘A Sound Mind In A Sound Body,’ Dr. Metzl believes running and health go hand-in-hand.

Each month, Dr. Metzl, joined by his trusty friend Rex the Skeleton, will break down a common running related injury. Each video will feature four segments dedicated to the injury; what is it, causes, treatment and prevention. The first video in our series is Runner’s Knee.

Be sure to check back into the ASICS blog each month for the latest video in our Running Medicine with Dr. Jordan Metzl series. Coming up in July, Hamstring Strains and Shin Splints .