Womens Community

Your favourite workout?

I love anything that makes me feel good — and usually that is strength training, yoga, and running! 

Any favourite workout song(s)?

I have my own playlist of upbeat tracks! Songs that will keep my mood lifted (and bonus points if they're singalongs).

What is Sound Mind Sound Body to you?

I remind myself that balance is key to living an aligned life. And a peaceful inner world, leads to a calmer outer world.


A word of encouragement/advice for the women's community out there

Health is holistic! When we choose to be active not just for our physical/aesthetic or strength goals, we allow the positive benefits of exercise to seep into every aspect of our lives and make our days more fulfilling and joyful.

<More about Fang Rong>

Our SEA Network

Womens Community

Natalie Dau


"Discipline is remembering what you want most."

Womens Community

Anna Glücks


“Love every part of yourself.”

Womens Community

Sonya Danita


“This too shall pass.”

This is something I live by on a daily basis because I always believe that anything we are feeling or going through is just temporary, and it will pass in it's due time. After all, the only thing that is constant in life is change.

Womens Community

Hana Giang Anh (Hana G)


“Do what you love, love what you do.”

Womens Community

Bea Benedicto


"Every stride is an opportunity to clear your mind and strengthen your body."