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Plyometrics for Tennis | Intro to Plyometrics

Plyometrics aim to increase an athletes strength, explosiveness and reaction time on court, while also improving nerve tissue.  During this episode, Frederic will explain the difference between types of Plyometrics for tennis, when to apply which type to your training and exercises to get started. While there are many training videos available on the topic, it is important to take the time to understand the difference in Plyometrics, what is needed for your players and how to adequately prepare the body for this training method. 

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Plyometrics for Tennis | On-Court Exercises

Ready to hit the court.

Now that we have warmed up with the introduction to Plyometrics, in this video, Frederic moves from theory to practice with three on-court exercises. As you move through the exercises, you will also hear ways to vary the training making this a practical way to add plyometrics to your every day plan.

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